Got Big Toe Bumps and Lumps? Here’s 5 Things You Need to Know
Your big toe is more than just a device to locate bedposts and chair legs in the dark. The big toe is the only toe significant enough to get its own medical name. It’s dignified with the appellation “hallux”. The other four little piggies have to be satisfied with mere numbers. Whenever you are upright, […]

Metal Surgical Screws and Pins May Become Thing of the Past
Can surgically implanted metal Screws and pins become a thing of the past? Yes, thanks to a new invention that is being used at UFAI today.
11 Common Foot Lumps and Bumps and What To Do About Them
A surprisingly wide variety of lumps, bumps, and protrusions can afflict our feet. If you’ve got a bump on your foot, you may be wondering what the heck it is and how it got there. So we’ve put together an overview of the most common and interesting bumps together with the appropriate treatment for each.
Beat the 6 Most Common Walking Pains
Walking is pretty much universally considered the safest form of exercise, right? Well, yes, but it’s not completely without its risks. If your walking routine is interrupted by aches and pains, you should do what you can to address them early on. What seems like a minor pain could worsen and prevent you from exercising […]

16 Myths About Bunion Surgery Debunked!
A lot of bunion sufferers come to us stating that they avoided bunion surgery for years because they “heard” terrible things that are simply untrue about bunion surgery. Two examples of this are “bunion surgery hurts like crazy” and “why bother getting a bunion surgically repaired since they come back anyway.” There are many bunion […]
Finding the Best Bunion Surgeon: What You Need to Know
So you have a bunion and you are considering surgery. How do you know what surgeon is the best for you? After 20 years of taking care of patients with foot and ankle ailments, I have come up with what I believe is the perfect bunion surgeon.
How to Choose Good Bunion Shoes (Even High Heels)!
About a third of all American women suffer from bunions, and it can be a struggle (and a real pain) to find well-fitting shoes. Our bunion experts weigh in the best shoes for those suffering from bunion, and yes, that includes high heels!
The Least Instagram-able Baby Bump Ever: Pregnancy Bunions
Congratulations! It’s a B… bunion? Bunions are a common foot problem in the U.S., affecting a quarter to a third of adults at some point in their life. Unfortunately, this incidence sky-rockets for new moms-to-be. Read on to learn what to expect (from your feet!) when you’re expecting. How do you know if you’re suffering […]