Sports Medicine

What Your Feet Want You to Know about Playing Tennis
Hey tennis star, it’s us, your feet! We love hitting the tennis court with you, and it’s a relatively safe way to stay in shape, whether you’re a young whippersnapper or an old soul. Of course, no physical activity is without its risks. The constant lateral motion and quick stops and starts across the court […]
Toy Scooter Related Injuries: what you need to you know
Is your 10 year old is dying for a scooter or skateboard so he can “ride the rails” and “catch some air” like his friends? Before you make your purchase you may want to consider the possible injury risks. A new study published by Clinical Pediatrics states that “kick” scooters, much like the one your […]

Training for a Marathon? 4 ways to avoid foot pain
Most long distance runners can agree that they are at the mercy of their feet. You can mentally and physically prepare yourself for a marathon, but ignore your feet and you may find yourself sidelined at the next race. While some foot-related injuries are bio-mechanical (and that’s just the way we were made), others may […]