Toe Conditions

Little Toe Hurts? Four Things to Know About Pinky Toe Pain
Pain from your little toe (or baby toe or pinky toe) could be telling you something important. Here are four things to know about pinky toe pain.
When the Cartiva Big Toe Joint Implant Fails
The Cartiva implant was considered to be a revolution in great toe arthritis therapy. It came out with a splash and the original studies to get the implant through FDA approval showed incredible results. Our group, University Foot and Ankle Institute, and me in particular, were involved with helping launch the product and educating surgeons […]
Treating Athlete’s Foot with Garlic? Prepare to Be Burned, Literally!
Here’s how a woman got burns and blisters on her foot after trying a home remedy. When it comes to home remedies for athlete’s foot, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing A 45-year-old English woman suffering with a stubborn case of athlete’s foot read somewhere that garlic can help eliminate fungal infections. So, […]
Do Your Burning Feet or Numb Toes Need to See a Doctor? Here’s How to Know
Why do I have burning feet? What causes numb toes? And most important: when should I see a doctor? Get the answers from our foot experts!
Foot Injuries in Kids: What to look for
With the kickoff of another school year, kids hurry back to school in their shiny new clothes and shoes. Excited to be social again after a long summer with the family, kids are quickly hit with the reality of homework and listening and studying and exams. The bounce in their step sometimes turns into dragging […]
Beat the 6 Most Common Walking Pains
Walking is pretty much universally considered the safest form of exercise, right? Well, yes, but it’s not completely without its risks. If your walking routine is interrupted by aches and pains, you should do what you can to address them early on. What seems like a minor pain could worsen and prevent you from exercising […]

Got Big Toe Bumps and Lumps? Here’s 5 Things You Need to Know
Your big toe is more than just a device to locate bedposts and chair legs in the dark. The big toe is the only toe significant enough to get its own medical name. It’s dignified with the appellation “hallux”. The other four little piggies have to be satisfied with mere numbers. Whenever you are upright, […]
A Podiatrist Tells Us What to Look for (AND AVOID) when Getting a Pedicure
Want a pedicure? There’re so many salons, how do you choose the right one… or a safe one? If you are using Yelp or other consumer review sites to determine where to go, the selection can be overwhelming. Just in the Los Angeles area alone, there are over 6,000 salons listed! As podiatrists, we see […]
Got Gout? 16 Tips to Prevent or Better Deal With Gout
There are natural methods of treating gout that can prevent gout flare-ups? Read what you need to eat (and not eat) and begin leading a healthier life!
Common Prescriptions and OTC Medications That Affect Your Feet and Certain Foot and Ankle Conditions
Patients are prescribed medications to help treat various ailments from infections to high blood pressure to cancer. Everybody knows medications have a long list of side effects. But did you know that some of these side effects can actually affect your feet? That’s right, medications can cause foot pain and other conditions. So if you […]
There’s nothing you can do for a broken toe…Or is there?
How many times have you heard the statement: “There’s nothing you can do for a broken toe”? It’s a faulty assertion that deserves some professional clarification. A common injury that affects many of us at some time or another is a broken toe. They seem to happen most often around the home, walking barefoot, with […]
Training for a Marathon? 4 ways to avoid foot pain
Most long distance runners can agree that they are at the mercy of their feet. You can mentally and physically prepare yourself for a marathon, but ignore your feet and you may find yourself sidelined at the next race. While some foot-related injuries are bio-mechanical (and that’s just the way we were made), others may […]